Should my spine be curved?

The short answer is yes. Let me explain why… Looking from the side, your spine should have 3 curves. A curve in the neck, mid back and lower back. The curves in your neck and lower back curve inwards and are called lordotic curves. Your mid back curves outward and is...

Exercise and lower back pain

We were designed to move… which is increasingly problematic in our modern lives where we can sit down for upwards of 8-10 hours every day. Movement keeps joints and muscles healthy, and it makes sense that movement and exercise would have a beneficial effect on back...

3 Common Ligament Injuries and their Causes

1. Lateral ankle ligaments The most commonly injured ligaments in the human body are the lateral ligaments of the ankles. In fact, ankle sprains account for 3-5% of A & E visits in the UK which equates to +- 5600 incidences each day. The movement involved is...

3 common causes of lower back pain

Sitting We live in a time where we sit for anywhere between 8-10 hours/day. Humans weren’t designed for sitting and the effect that it has on the 3 natural curves of the spine is significant. These 3 curves act as shock absorbers and natural springs for the spine....

Why is posture so important?

“To live a long, active, energetic life, few things matter more than good posture” – Rene Cailliet, M.D. Poor posture not only causes undue spinal stress and many aches and pains, but research suggests that posture is directly related to an individuals’ health. A...