Central London Back Pain Treatment Specialist
Treating Back Pain Naturally!
Our chiropractors are highly trained in assessing and treating all musculoskeletal conditions.
The initial consultation will always include a full medical history, neurological and
orthopaedic examination, and report of findings… where a diagnosis is discussed with the patient and the proposed treatment is explained fully.
1. Spinal adjustment
The most important aspect of chiropractic treatment is the spinal adjustment which
is a broad term encompassing a range of highly specialised techniques using gentle
but specific manipulation aimed at: improving spinal and other joint mobility,
reducing pain, and enhancing function.
2. Soft tissue therapy
Our chiropractors also work on the muscles of the affected area. This may involve
massage, trigger point therapy, stretching, and active release techniques to alleviate
muscle tension, reduce trigger point pain, and improve muscular function.
3. Exercise and education
Our chiropractors will often provide education on ergonomics, postural
rehabilitation, and exercises for functional rehabilitation. This is all aimed at
preventing future episodes of back pain.
4. Other modalities
At our clinic, we have an extra-corporeal shockwave therapy machine which utilises
a hand held unit to create deep stimulation of tendon and soft tissue injuries.
Other modalities may include a hand held massage machine, dry needling of
muscular trigger points, and specialised taping of supporting muscles, tendons and